
Every generation feels some nostalgia for their youth. In the 2000s, much of this nostalgia caters to the 1980s. Generation X and Millennials, who grew up in this time frame, constitute a significant portion of the world’s adults. A “throwback,” or nostalgic, theme has become the basis...

In these modern times, healthcare is in a hard place- with increasingly-severe economic issues, more consumers are choosing to partially or entirely cut any medical or healthcare costs. With many top experts predicting an incoming recession, these economic issues may only deteriorate for everybody. All of...

If you want to appeal to younger audiences, you have to know who that audience is. Gen Z is currently the second to the youngest generation, ranging from preteens in middle school to adults that have recently finished college. Gen Z is the prime audience that...

When you work in advertising, making a mistake can be a terrifying experience. Something went wrong or something was shown too soon. Having things go right is usually wanted by brands to make sure that they don’t get criticized by their audience. But did you know...

Companies cannot just download images from a Google search or social media and use them on their website or printed materials. There needs to be permission from the photographer for use and in most cases, a license for use needs to be issued. Photographers are contracting...

Many business owners and marketers wonder if a custom application can benefit their business. In short, a custom application allows a business to reach out to its audience innovatively. Businesses with a service-based product can especially find custom applications helpful, as they can perform as...

You can find many types of Google Ads, with each one being able to increase traffic to your website. However, their effectiveness varies depending on the product you are choosing. Google Search Ads When you browse a keyword on Google, text results are often the first to...

When most people think of today’s tech-centered world, they think about screens. We hear about screen-time virtually all the time, but most people’s day-to-day technology interactions aren’t just about visuals. In fact, for most people, a lot of their media consumption is auditory. Music streaming services...

When you own and operate your own e-commerce business, nothing is as important as getting lots of traffic to your website. Lots of traffic can turn into lots of business for your brand. But the problem often is—how do you get that increased e-commerce website...