
social media Tag

In the world of online marketing, there are very few concepts that are as powerful, or at times as tricky as search engine optimization, or SEO. This term, while complex, is all about getting your brand to that coveted top-spot on Google. Whether you have...

When you own and operate your own e-commerce business, nothing is as important as getting lots of traffic to your website. Lots of traffic can turn into lots of business for your brand. But the problem often is—how do you get that increased e-commerce website...

Have you ever been influenced to buy something by a celebrity or an “influencer” on social media? Maybe it was a grocery delivery service, a new type of vitamin, or a pair of jeans. Most of us have been there before. We see someone else, with...

In the world of social media, there are so many different trends, schools of thought and myths out there that anyone can fall victim to. Simply put, with social media it can be difficult to tell what the truth is and what is more of a social media...

There are a lot of things to worry about when it comes to creating the perfect social media page for your company. But should aesthetic be one of them? There are more companies than ever that are creating a set “theme” for their business’ home page and paying...

As we begin welcoming in 2020—there is a lot to be excited about with the new year, particularly when it comes to some of the new social media trends we will be seeing. Social media has not only once again made a giant impact on...

When it comes to expanding your online presence in today’s market, there is still no better tool than search engine optimization (SEO). Even though SEO has been around for a long time, it is still extremely important when it comes to getting your website to appear on Google search...

Is your social media strategy to share posts from other websites? I get it, the content is good, and you feel it will be of value to your followers. It will also save you time not having to write it, correct? Wrong! The reason this is...

If you aren’t yet familiar with the term social listening—it is one of the biggest and most important movements in the world of online marketing right now. Simply put, social listening allows businesses to learn about their customers’ social behavior. This can mean anything from what...

Chances are, you have heard about the highly publicized Google+ shut down. However, while many people have been hearing about the shutdown, not everyone really knows what it means and how it can impact their personal and professional use of the platform. Google+ was shut down due to...