marketing Tag

When you work in advertising, making a mistake can be a terrifying experience. Something went wrong or something was shown too soon. Having things go right is usually wanted by brands to make sure that they don’t get criticized by their audience. But did you know...

When most people think of today’s tech-centered world, they think about screens. We hear about screen-time virtually all the time, but most people’s day-to-day technology interactions aren’t just about visuals. In fact, for most people, a lot of their media consumption is auditory. Music streaming services...

No matter what industry your business may be in, when you need to market your business, there is no better place to take your efforts than the world wide web. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses have the same idea, making it difficult to stay competitive...

As a business owner, you probably already know that your website serves as much more than just a pretty introduction to your company. When someone visits your website, they are likely looking for one of two things: specific services or answers to their questions. The...

The purpose of marketing is to bring in new business and drive revenue. What if your lack of new business isn’t that you need more new leads? What if your lack of new business is due to the low conversion of new leads? Marketing campaigns...

If your small business, medical, legal office or restaurant is looking for a way to take your business to the next level and get new clients and patients that will help grow your business—then chances are you may be feeling overwhelmed. After all, you have...

When it comes to marketing and advertising, there is nothing that can influence people to make decisions quite like emotion. In fact, most studies support the idea that emotional responses to ads are more influential when it comes to brand decisions than the content of...

Every business needs to have some type of marketing plan, and therefore some type of marketing budget. However, this is one of the most challenging business expenses to budget for, because the average business owner doesn’t have a great understanding of the costs of most...

2019 is here, which means there will be new digital marketing trends that are going to shape and dictate the market.  While there is no official way to tell how 2019 is going to go or what the new year will bring—we do have some pretty...