digital marketing Tag

In these modern times, healthcare is in a hard place- with increasingly-severe economic issues, more consumers are choosing to partially or entirely cut any medical or healthcare costs. With many top experts predicting an incoming recession, these economic issues may only deteriorate for everybody. All of...

If you want to appeal to younger audiences, you have to know who that audience is. Gen Z is currently the second to the youngest generation, ranging from preteens in middle school to adults that have recently finished college. Gen Z is the prime audience that...

When you work in advertising, making a mistake can be a terrifying experience. Something went wrong or something was shown too soon. Having things go right is usually wanted by brands to make sure that they don’t get criticized by their audience. But did you know...

Can your clients schedule online? Your competition's clients can, which means it is time for you to consider this online tool as well. Online scheduling is an easy addition to your website and one that can make all of the difference in the eyes of your...

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is essential if you are looking to improve your visibility in search engines. If you want to appear in search engine results and want to make sure that potential customers are able to find you—then you need to create an SEO plan....

Having a loyal, dedicated customer base, is one of the biggest assets your business can have—especially for today’s small businesses. Loyal, repeat customers actually spend around 67 percent more than occasional customers—which can really add up for you and your business. There is no denying that...

2019 is here, which means there will be new digital marketing trends that are going to shape and dictate the market.  While there is no official way to tell how 2019 is going to go or what the new year will bring—we do have some pretty...