5 Ways to Be a Better Instagrammer

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5 Ways to Be a Better Instagrammer

There is no denying that Instagram is one of the biggest and more used social media platforms out there today. Every business owner looking for a strong social media presence needs to have a great Instagram account. However, this isn’t always as easy as it seems. Here are five easy ways to be a better Instagrammer. 

  1. Start By Getting Your Base Followers- Before you really focus on any other part of your Instagram effort, you need to have a strong base of followers. Your initial efforts should be on getting the first 100 to 1,000 followers. Start with friends and family and ask friends of friends to be followers. There will be people who love you and there will be people who hate you, but you need to have a base of followers to get started.
  2. Get Your Own Hashtag- If you want to start getting more Instagram followers and more potential customers, you are going to need your own hashtag. This will be used solely by you and your followers. It helps your account look more professional and it can help spread the word about your business and your account.
  3. Use a Large Variety of Other Hashtags- In addition to using your own hashtag, you should use a lot of other hashtags as well. There are a lot of different philosophies about the number of hashtags, but research shows that more than 11 hashtags results in a post getting more engagement. However, if you do too many (the maximum is 30) it can cause your account to look like Spam.
  4. Make a Strong Bio- Your bio should be clear, concise and descriptive of your company and what you do. It should also include a link to your website as well, so people can learn more about your business and what you do. Remember, you only have 150 characters in your bio, so be concise. 
  5. Put Money into Quality Photos- Instagram is all about creating beautiful content. If you want to get attention on social media, you need to have beautiful photos. Poorly lit, grainy cell phone photos just won’t do it. You want your feed to look beautiful and to stand out, so put the extra money and effort into a quality camera and a photo editing software program that will really help you create stunning photos people will want to look at.

If you are looking for help with ways to improve your business’s Instagram efforts, then let the experts here at Life In Motion help. We can give you the tools and insights you need in order to improve your Instagram post and everything that goes on it.