20 Sep The Importance of Humanizing Your Brand
When it comes to developing your brand identity, there are so many things that go in to the process. You want you brand to stand out, to be consistent and of course, you want it to have a human approach. Humanizing your brand is an essential component of being able to relate to your consumers person-to-person and human-to-human.
No one is going to have a strong connection to a brand that feels like it is run by a bunch of robots. But it is about even more than that, here are some highlights on the importance of humanizing your brand and the reasons why you should be putting this extra effort into developing your brand identity.
Here are a few more reasons why every branding effort needs to take a human approach:
It Helps You Build Relationships
It is always important to have positive relationships with your clients, no matter what industry you may be in. And with social media as such a prevalent part of our world today, it is easier than ever for companies to build relationships with their clients from all over the world.
Humanizing your brand and using tools like social media to reach out, connect with and engage with customers is one of the best ways to build brand loyalty. Just look at some of the social media accounts for today’s most successful brands and see how they reach out and respond to everything from customer complaints to funny tweets mentioning their brand.
Remember, the individuals involved with using social media should act like real humans and have real responses to their customers requests and comments instead of acting like a computer-generated customer service robot.
It Your Brand Helps You Tell a Story
We all tell stories, human-to-human, as a way to communicate and connect with one another. Storytelling is important as it helps create a space where people feel connected enough with you to share their own opinions and ideas.
When hearing the story behind a company, consumers don’t want to hear about facts, figures and numbers, they want to hear about the real people behind the company that had an idea, went for their dream and who are working hard to provide a product or service to others. They want to hear human stories.
And research supports this idea as well, a recent study from OneSpot, found that 92% of consumers want brands that make their advertisements feel like stories. They want to relate to the company they are working with.
It Helps Your Audience Get to Know You
If you want to develop brand loyalty, and you want to build trust with your current and potential customers, then your customers need to feel like they know you. This not only means your brand identity, but the actual people on your team.
Highlighting team members on your website, marketing materials, social media sites and everything in between can go a long way in bringing a human element to your brand. Consumers would much rather see the friendly face of one of your real, dedicated team members than a generic company logo.
If you have more questions on ways that you can humanize your brand or if you are looking for branding and marketing solutions that can help take your company to the next level—contact the experts here at Life In Motion. We can help you curate a brand identity that you will be proud of and that your human customers can relate to.