reputation management Tag

Jake Paul is one of the highest-paid American social media personalities. He has over 20 million  YouTube subscribers and a successful track record of drawing attention to himself and his brand through controversial schemes. His latest endeavor is to enter the professional boxing world.  Infamy is...

When it comes to managing your business’s reputation, there are so many things that you can do in order to make sure the image you are putting out there is the right image. Reputation management is an important part of online marketing and creating your...

When it comes to promoting your own business, every company owner knows it is essential to put your best foot forward. This is not only true when it comes to how you interact face-to-face with your customers—but how you present yourself online. It is crucial...

Consumer Reviews allow a business to thrive in today's technology-centric world, but they can also be the cause for a business to fail if not managed correctly. The key is to promote positive reviews and show empathy when dealing with negative ones. HubSpot Research found that consumers...

No matter what industry you are in, or what type of brand you are managing—one of the biggest and most important things that you will need to do is have a good relationship with your customers. One of your biggest goals should always be to develop...

No matter what you do, or how hard you try to keep your customers happy, it is virtually impossible to keep every single customer happy. If you run a business, you are going to have customer complaints to deal with. Customer complaints have been around as...

Having a loyal, dedicated customer base, is one of the biggest assets your business can have—especially for today’s small businesses. Loyal, repeat customers actually spend around 67 percent more than occasional customers—which can really add up for you and your business. There is no denying that...

Online surveys can be an excellent tool for you and your company. They are cost-effective, simple, flexible and they can help you gain valuable data from your current or potential customers. Creating a survey is relatively simple. The real struggle, however for most people is...

Online reviews are extremely important for any business, no matter what industry you may be in. Most small to medium companies know first-hand just how devastating a bad online review can be, yet most business owners don’t know what to do when they receive one....