05 Aug Is Voice Search Vital to Your SEO Strategy?
A strong SEO strategy is always an important component in any successful online marketing strategy. However, the most important thing to remember with SEO is that it is constantly changing. From tactics and strategies, to the formulas search engines are using, SEO is always developing and if you want to be successful in your search engine efforts you need to have your finger on the pulse of these changes so you can grow and change with SEO.
One of the latest changes that every business who uses SEO should be aware of is the implementation of visual and voice search into SEO rankings. Thanks to the popularity of voice search systems such as Siri, Alexa and Google Home—this type of instant gratification searching has become more popular than ever. These types of search engine results, paired with the popularity of visual search engine results such as those popularized by Pinterest and Google—have brought sensory search results to the forefront of our online experience.
However, it hasn’t always factored into SEO results until recently, and there is no better time than the present to make sure that you are taking advantage of these trends, so your SEO efforts don’t become obsolete.
Tips for Visual Search Optimization
Visual search optimization still isn’t as easy to track as other forms of SEO, but it still important to stay on top of your efforts with your images, including the following tips:
- Optimize web images for a quick page load
- Make sure to include multiple images to each product or topic page
- Add call to action and messages in your photos making them more compelling when viewed in Google images
- Map keyword categories and themes for your images—and use them to optimize image alt tags, captions and tiles
Tips for Voice Search Optimization
There is still a lot of progress to be made when it comes to developing voice search optimization for the search engines. However, it is becoming extremely popular thanks to all of the voice automated devices people now have in their homes, on their phones and in their cars.
Here are some tips to helping increase your voice search optimization:
- Make sure your content indicated by speakable structured data features concise headlines or summaries that offer people with useful information. The first sentences should include the “who, what, where and why” that people are looking for.
- Remember that most people using voice search are looking for answers to a question.
- If you include the top of the story in speakable structured data—it is recommended that you rewrite the top of the store and break up your content into clear, concise individual sentences so it reads more clearly.
- A good rule of thumb for optimal audio user experience is adding around 20 to 30 seconds of content per section of speakable data. This typically translates to two to three sentences.
Keep these voice search and visual search tips in mind as you start to develop your new SEO strategy. Of course, if you still have questions about how to best implement these sensory search results into your current strategy—contact the experts here at Life In Motion. We can help you create an effective SEO strategy that will keep your company at the forefront of trends like this, and most importantly at the forefront of search engine results.