26 Dec How a Niche Business Can Thrive on Social Media
When it comes to marketing your niche business, you may think that social media is too big of a pond for your small business to thrive in. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. If you operate a business in a niche market, it can in fact thrive on social media and you can use the best tools and tactics from social media to market your business.
Niche marketing is a thriving sector in the world of social media—and here’s how you can use it to your advantage.
Start With the Basics
Before you start focusing on niche marketing efforts, you need to know what your niche market is. Simply put a “niche” is a subset of a larger market and a more specifically designated section of that market—so you need to be able to find the specific label that defines your business.
For example, there are personal trainers, and there are personal trainers that specifically work in people’s homes. It doesn’t matter what your niche is, you just need to be able to define it.
Defining Your Niche Market
You know what your business is, but do you know what your market is? There are a few areas you want to focus on when defining your niche market.
- Location
- Interests and values
- Demographic base
- Education level
- Quality level
- Price Point
At first, it may seem as though you are really narrowing down all of the people you can potentially market your business to, but this is actually a good thing. It is typically easier to promote to a niche market instead of a much bigger audience.
It will also make some of the tools and filters you use for Facebook ad targeting easier as well.Plus niche marketing is shown to help with brand loyalty, there is less competition and it can have a better return on investment with your social media strategies.
Niche Marketing on Social Media
Whether you are tapping into an existing niche market or creating new niches that haven’t filled customer needs yet—there are a few different ways you can start utilizing social media to your advantage.
And it all starts with creating very personalized messages.
Whether you are crafting Facebook messages with a call-to-action or thoughtful photo-filled Instagram posts—when you have a smaller market of consumers, it can be easier to “speak their language” and appeal to people on a more personal level.
The point of social media for small businesses is to find a way to communicate with their customers and clients. Since you are marketing towards a much more specific type of client who have very specific needs and interests, it will be easier to craft a message that appeals to your target consumer—instead of one that appeals to the masses.
If you have questions about how to best utilize social media in your niche marketing efforts, contact the experts at Life In Motion today for help.