
Micro-Influencers and Marketing: What You Need to Know

Micro-Influencers marketing

Micro-Influencers and Marketing: What You Need to Know

Have you ever been influenced to buy something by a celebrity or an “influencer” on social media? Maybe it was a grocery delivery service, a new type of vitamin, or a pair of jeans.

Most of us have been there before. We see someone else, with a large following of people recommend a company, product, or service and give a real-time review of their experience. It makes it easier to pull the trigger on a product or service when you see someone you “trust” give their endorsement on something. Plus, many times, when someone promotes another brand on their social media account, they even give you a discount for giving things a try.

If this process sounds familiar, then you have purchased something because of a “micro-influencer.”

What exactly is a micro-influencer?

A micro-influencer is an individual with anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 followers on social media and who are typically well-known in their area of interest or industry. These individuals also tend to have really high rates of engagement with their followers.

What is micro-influencing?

Micro-influencer marketing is when brands partner with these individuals with “smaller” followings on social media to promote their products and services with authentic, visual posts instead of normal sponsored ads.

Brands can extend their reach into niche markets by using influencer marketing and reach more people on a more “personal” level. This is a proven way to not only get more customers, but to develop a stronger level of trust and brand loyalty.

So many companies love this tactic because it can help them gain more quality customers. After all, consumers are more likely to buy from someone they already know and trust, and the micro-influencer can be this trusted bridge between the shopper and the brand.

There have been numerous studies on the benefit of using “smaller” micro-influencers, because trust and engagement tends to be higher for influencers who have smaller accounts. In fact, engagement tends to peak around 1,000 followers. When an influencer’s number of followers increases, their number of likes and comments can decrease.

This is why it is actually more financially beneficial for brands to spend less to partner with a micro-influencer, than some of the influencers with larger followers. You just need to find the right micro-influencer with the right type of following to get started.

It is important to find a micro-influencer with a strong following, but it is most important to find an influencer who has great engagement. Before you partner with an influencer, have them show you how many likes and comments they get on their posts. This is far more important than the number of followers alone.

Here at Life In Motion, we are dedicated to helping small businesses like yours reach your goals and utilize a comprehensive marketing strategy to get there—which can include micro-influencers, to take your business to brand new heights.

Contact us today to get started and learn more about the intricacies of micro-influencer marketing and what you can do to maximize your current marketing efforts.