Author: Life in Motion Marketing

In the race to compete with TikTok, YouTube is upping the ante for advertisers to use its Shorts video format and drive the platform’s monetization. This is especially important given that YouTube's monetization has been a weak point compared to its longer-form counterparts. YouTube recently...

As we enter the month of May, it's important for businesses to keep their marketing strategies up to date and relevant. With that in mind, we've put together a list of monthly marketing reminders for May 2023 that can help businesses stay on top of...

The potential ban of TikTok in the United States has been a hotly debated topic in recent months, with concerns over data privacy, national security, and free speech at the forefront of the discussion. Republican Senator Rand Paul recently blocked a bid to fast-track the...

While there are so many online benefits and conveniences, sharing information online can put anyone in a vulnerable position, especially if the website you are using isn’t secure. Cybersecurity is extremely important and the key to make sure your information stays private and secure. One...

In this modern age, you just cannot run a successful business unless you have an active presence on the internet, specifically on social media. Everyone uses social media. Everyone is involved in the complex web of multiple sites to make friends, continue relationships, share their lives...

The importance of a website’s home page cannot be overstated. Simply put, there is no more important page in all of your site than the first one that visitors come upon. The truth is that you only have a few seconds to make an impact on...

If you are starting your own business, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. There are far too many people who skip important steps, don’t make proper plans, don't think things through, and generally drop the ball when they are trying to...

Now that November has come, it is a good time to prepare your goals and plans for the month ahead with all of the business opportunities that lay before you. Some companies forget that November is an ideal time to drum up good business plan...

Social media and SEO might seem like two separate items. They are concepts that seem ever-changing in our world. Brands constantly fight over that top spot in the search results. How are you supposed to stand out amongst the others? That’s where the integration of...

Testimonials are a vital part of any business. If you can get customers and companies to acknowledge your service as excellent, you can gain additional business thanks to the association. However, it can be tricky to determine the ideal questions to ask. How can you...