11 Jan 3 Tips to Start 2021 on the Right Path
I think we can all agree that 2020 was a devastating year for so many personally and professionally. The punch line repeated over and over again last year when something bad happened was “well, it’s 2020”. Here are some tips we think can make 2021 kick off on the right path:
- Establish Goals with Open Plans
One thing we all learned from 2020 is that our plans change. But just because our plans change, that doesn’t mean our goals have to change. Goals are the end results and plans are how we achieve those goals. There is more than one path to reach your goal. If one path doesn’t work, try another. Don’t give up!
Start by setting SMART goals for yourself and encourage your team to do the same. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. If you have a goal to become a better graphic designer that isn’t a SMART goal. An example of a SMART goal would be I want to learn and master 6 new photoshop shortcuts by March 31st of this year. Learn more about SMART goals.
Prioritize your goals then work your plan from there. Make sure there is at least one plan that can be done virtually in case your team is not able to meet safely.
- Prioritize Your Team
Your team is at the center of everything you do. Your actions impact your team and vice versa. How often and the way you interact with one another makes a huge difference in your organization’s culture and their results. When your team doesn’t work together or communicate effectively, the results can start lacking. This is why it is crucial to prioritize time with your team.
Still remote? That’s okay! Seek to find ways to make virtual meetings different. Set up a short weekly meeting with your team where you take a break from work. Share a new hobby or TV show you started, encourage one another, play a game over Zoom, celebrate an upcoming holiday – the possibilities are endless!
- Change Up Your Routine
Whether you are back in the office or still at home, look over your routine. What are some times in the day you find yourself the most productive? What are some distractions in your work environment? Do you stay in the same spot every day?
Track all these things and find new ways that can help you be the best person you can be at work and at home. Keep a notepad next to you for a week and write what you do each hour or track your screen time on your cell phone.
Afterwards, adjust a new routine. Maybe that means doing work at your favorite coffee shop for a few hours, listening to some uplifting music, or limiting distractions around you.
Let go of 2020 and start 2021 with confidence! Make this the best year yet for you and your organization by taking these intentional steps.
At Life in Motion, we want to help you reach your organization’s goals. Let us help start your journey to get where you want to be by scheduling a strategy session today.