Why Online Marketing Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution

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Why Online Marketing Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution

There is no denying it, 2018 is right around the corner, which for most of us means time for those New Year’s resolutions. Here at Life in Motion, we are all about setting new goals for the New Year, which is why we wanted to share what we think everyone’s resolution for 2018 should be—developing an online marketing strategy.

Most business owners know the drill, every year they think about ramping up their online marketing efforts, and every year all of the other hustle and bustle of running a business tends to get in the way. In fact, this was precisely what was happening with one of our most recent clients (let’s call him John Doe) who recently came into Life in Motion for help with his online marketing efforts.

It was right around this time of year, and it was a story we had all heard before. John started his business a few years ago, he had paid a company for a website and a Facebook and Twitter account, yet despite all the money he had put into it, he was not seeing a return on his investment. He was a classic case of assuming that just having a Facebook and a Twitter and a website was enough.

We looked at John’s situation and immediately realized that it was time for a fresh approach for the upcoming year and brand-new content for his site, blog, and marketing efforts. He needed new content to help engage his current and potential customers, and he needed to start seeing a return on all the money and time he put into his website. It was a New Year’s resolution that would turn his business around for the better, and here’s why it worked.

Your Website is the Face of Your Business, and It Needs to Represent Your Business Accordingly

Your website is the first impression your potential customers have of your business. This was something John Doe hadn’t put enough thought into. The wording on his website is what he is saying to potential customers before he has a chance to meet them. This is the foundation for all online marketing because this is the final destination most consumers stop before contacting the business. The pages need to be clear and concise in what the message is saying. The flow of the website needs to be intuitive for the consumer to easily find what they are looking for and there needs to be a clear call to action that creates a sense of urgency for the client to call you. With implementing these strategies and new content, John Doe’s website expressed more of the image and message he was looking to portray with this company, so he immediately received more new client calls from his updated site.

People Need to Find You, and Online Marketing Can Help

If you want a website to be found on Google for your services, the first thing you need to have is the right platform. Different website platforms provide better SEO. For John Doe, this is something he hadn’t been told before and something that he quickly recognized the impact to the way his online marketing performed. Search engine optimization means making sure that your website appears in the top results of Google not only for your business name but most importantly, for your services.

We did a quick Google search of John Doe’s business and couldn’t even find it. If people who already know you can’t find you online, they may think you’re closed or that you don’t even exist. Your website must come up in Google searches for your services to grow your business.

Online Marketing Let’s You Adjust as You Go

One of the best things about an online marketing plan is the analytics side of it. Online marketing allows you to see ROI and what strategies are working but more importantly what strategies are not working so you can adjust accordingly. For people like John Doe who want to make sure that they are getting a good return on investment, they can see how their efforts are performing and conversion results to adjust accordingly.

We are happy to report that “John Doe’s” New Year’s marketing plan worked for him and it not only turned his investment around but helped boost his business and helped him reach even more customers. This was a powerful New Year’s resolution that worked and it is one that can work for you too with the help of the experts here at Life in Motion.