AI-Generated Content Is Bad for Your Business Organic SEO Ranking

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AI-Generated Content Is Bad for Your Business Organic SEO Ranking

Blog writing to engage new leads and improve your company’s organic SEO ranking is a standard practice in digital marketing. So often, people try to find shortcuts to make their content more engaging and improve web traffic conversion to new customers. An emerging practice is Artificial Intelligence (AI) generating content platforms like For people who don’t know what to write or are not particularly good with grammar, this appears to be an excellent solution for turning out new content with minimal effort. You plug in a few phrases, and the AI magically pushes out an entire blog with keywords of the services you offer.   


The problem  

Where did the AI get this content?   

The Jarvis company website wants you to believe that it knows your business, and it can say it for you with minimal effort on your part. The reality is it is pulling high valued content from the Google search results, which is most likely coming from your competitors.  


Why is this bad?   

If you use blogs to help your website’s organic SEO ranking, Google states that plagiarized copy from third-party sources makes your content spam. It can recognize the original content source because all pages, blogs, and references are time-stamped with the actual publishing dates. Google can recognize plagiarized content as low as 19% of the total copy. This means if you have ten sentences if 2 of the sentences are copied from another source, your copy is labeled spam. Your document will add validity to the third-party source because you copied it to add further insult to injury. This means your site is devalued, but you just helped your competitor increase their ranking.   


What’s the solution?  

If you are looking for a quick way to write original blogs, try using Microsoft Word Dictate. Speak the words and descriptions you would typically say to a client. You can use grammar tools like Grammarly to help you clean up the message, but the content will be original and match precisely what you say to your clients.  


Another thing to watch out for  

If you find a blog you like from a vendor or a competitor, be careful about copying or sharing their content. I see many companies share links to third-party articles they think their audience will enjoy. The problem is as soon as the link is clicked to the report, “Elvis has left the building.” What I mean is they have left your brand and entered a rabbit hole. They won’t remember where the link originated, and you have effectively removed all chances of converting this lead. My recommendation is instead for you to read the article and write (or speak) your understanding of the blog from memory as well as your take on the article. If it’s a vendor, you can reference the company, but I do not recommend linking to the vendor. Many vendors list all their distributors, and you are allowing your lead to research other providers of this vendor’s products. Best practices are to always keep leads on your brand and your website.   


To learn more about our SEO services, please contact our Fort Worth marketing agency at 817-431-9861.